Ayuda de Survey Kiwi: obtenga ayuda con sus encuestas

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The calculator feature allows you to assign scores to your answers.

You can define each question with different scores and based upon these, calculations will be done. This scoring allows you to go adding or subtracting as users go answering all the questions.

The calculator is a great tool to make tests, shopping carts, quizzes and more! Also, it allows you to calculate scores or the total sum of prices of a purchase.

How does it work?

To start with, you must create a question which has multiple options for answers.

In this case, we'll use this feature for a shopping cart experience to calculate the total cost". . The question is: “ Choose your cupcake” and the possible answers are: “Blueberry”, “Coconut”, “Rocher” or “Moka”.

Each answer has a different price, that’s why they must add a different amount to the total cost of the purchase.

  • For the “Blueberry” answer, we want to add $5
  • For the “Coconut” answer, we want to add $5
  • For the “Rocher” answer, we want to add $8
  • For the “Moka” answer, we want to add $8

Once this initial question has been created, we must create the messages/questions that will follow for each possible answer.

After creating this, you must click on the calculator icon of the initial question.

This icon opens the Calculator’s interface. Click on the button that says “Add calculation” to see the options available.

You’ll see the following: 

  • The first block shows you the different options of the question. You have to choose the option that will have a score applied.
  • In the second block you have to choose the calculation options of “Add” or “Subtract”
  • The third is the blank box where you’ll be able to complete the score you want to each response.

Then, you’ll have to build different options for each one of the answers.

*This feature can be combined with the Logic Jump feature to show different messages in response to different answers.

In this case, we applied the Calculator (adding $3 if they want it delivered, or add nothing if they fetch it personally). Also, we added a “Logic Jump” so that if they want to fetch it themselves, we show them our address and a map through the type of question “Descriptive text”:

And if they want to have it sent home, then they’ll have to complete the corresponding information: Address, zip code and email in order for us to get in touch with the client.

It is important to clarify that the user will not see the calculations made unless you want to show the results. To do this, you must do the following:

1. Enter the question for which you want to show results.  In this case, we have selected question 6 where the total will be shown:

2.  Within the question, you must select the option “Variables” and select the option “Score”.

 3. Once selected, you’ll be able to see that the number “0” already appears in the previsualization and that in the left side you’ll see the variable activated.

(Don’t be scared if the number 0 appears, this happens because there are no previous results being taken into account)

As you can see in this last image, the user will be able to see the result when they complete the form:

Another use of the calculator is the creation of tests, where you can assign the score “1” to the correct answers and “0” to incorrect answers, as seen in the example below:

Now your users can start interacting with your brand in a completely different way!