Survey Kiwi Help: Get Assistance with Your Surveys

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Google Analytics

You can integrate all of your campaigns to Google Analytics to obtain demographic information about your users and also advanced information such as knowing in what questions your users are abandoning your forms and surveys.

To do so, you need to follow the next steps where we will help you to integrate your campaign.

1. In your dashboard, enter to the share panel of the campaign you want to integrate and go to the "Integrations" module.

2. Once you have selected "Integrate" Google Analytics, a window will appear. In this window you will have to paste your Google Analytics tracking ID that you will find inside your Google Analytics account.

3. Once you click on "Save changes" automatically all of the responses that your campaign will start to receive will be saved and tracked in your Google Analytics account and you will be able to analyze all of the gathered information.

4. Once that your campaign is integrated and that your campaign has received responses, you can go to your Google Analytics account, open the "Behavior" menu, then click on "Site content" and then on "All pages".

Look for the name of your campaign on your Survey Kiwi campaign URL (For example in this URL the name would be "flight-satisfaction") and paste it in the Google Analytics search engine. After this, you will be able to see the traffic that your campaign has been generating through out the integration.

* If your campaign has Hidden Fields, the name of your campaign will be the sequence between the last "/" and the "?" character. 

Have in mind that your Google Analytics account can take some hours to update the information, that's why you might have to wait in case you don't see the information instantly. 


Every time that a campaign is sent, we send an event to Google Analytics with the following parameters: 

  • Category, for the identifier of your campaign (ex: flight-satisfaction)
  • Action, for “SKSurveySubmit”
  • Tag, for the name of your campaign (ex: Flight Satisfaction)

You can find all of the responses of your campaign inside Google Analytics by going to Behavior > Events > Top events report.

Partial responses

Every time that a user answers one of the questions of your campaign, we send an event to Google Analytics with the following parameters:

  • Category, for the identifier of your campaign
  • Action, for “SKQuestionResponse”
  • Tag, for the title of the question

You can find all of the events of your campaign by going to Behavior > Events > Top events report.

If you want to find out in what questions your users are abandoning your campaign, click on "Unique events" to find out what questions are not being answered.