3 benefits of using online surveys for educational purposes

Have you noticed that we are increasingly using technology for a wide variety of things?

Have you noticed that we are increasingly using technology for a wide variety of things? Communicating, entertaining ourselves, buying things, making bank transactions, moving around the city... 

Electronic media are an inseparable part of our lives and this reality forces every company to seek new ways to connect with their audiences, especially in situations as particular as the social isolation caused by Covid-19.

In the case of educational institutions, this implies redefining the way of teaching. Beyond each style, teaching model or type of student, all institutions are forced to adapt their culture to digital transformation.

“Online surveys are one of the most useful tools to improve the relationship between directors, teachers, and students.”
Learn how to teach and connect with today's student 

Directors and teachers from schools, colleges and universities increasingly face the challenge of connecting with students who choose to learn and communicate using images and other audiovisual resources. The lectures bore them and they prefer playful methods over conventional ones.

Any educational organization has the possibility of using various digital resources for its own benefit. Videos, blogs, social networks, e-learning platforms…. everything serves to fulfill the objective of teaching in a new digital context in which, at the same time, an attractive opportunity opens with the growth of distance education.

In this sense, one of the most useful tools to improve the relationship between directors, teachers and students are online surveys. Do you want to know what are the benefits of using them for educational purposes?

Evaluates students

How to generate new assessment modalities using the same technological resources that students use in their personal lives?

Using online forms is useful to find out the level of learning of a course, which can be made up of different types of questions. They can include open ones in which the student must prepare a written answer or the closed ones, where they are forced to choose predefined options. This format can be used for true/false or multiple choice exams.

These modes of evaluation are particularly relevant today, since distance education has shown very high growth, in parallel with the increase in connectivity and the digitization of the population. In fact, a study by the University of La Rioja in Spain estimates that online education has grown 900% in the world since 2000.

In this way, those institutions (mainly universities) that have expanded their distance learning offerings now have a greater number of students, many of whom live hundreds (or thousands!) of kilometers away from their campus, but can still take an undergraduate or graduate course and be evaluated through online surveys. 

"Gamifies" learning

In addition to these options for extended use in any online form, there are others that allow you to apply playful elements that promote entertaining and challenging learning.

Have you heard of "gamification"? This is how this type of method is usually called, which, in the case of online surveys, results in a more pleasant experience for the participants.

For example, many online survey platforms can use the short answer feature to create sentences with blanks for students to complete. “Gabriel García ________ was born in ____, _____, _____ in _________, Colombia. He was awarded the Nobel Prize of _____ in _____ ".

Also, they allow the use of jump logic with which you could make a student access a “customized” route and, thus according to their answers, they could skip some of the questions.

Another common way of gamifying a survey for educational purposes is to apply the calculator or score function to give a score to each response. In this way, each student will add (or subtract) points with each choice and, at the end of the form, receive a final grade. With the set of all of them you can put together a leaderboard to reward the best.

It offers a space for students to express their opinions freely

Finally, online surveys are a suitable space to allow students to express their level of satisfaction with the service provided by the institution in which they study. They can be consulted on issues such as:

  • How would you rate your experience as a student of our house?
  • Are the contents adequate?
  • Does the teacher promote a respectful climate in the classroom?

If you are a director of a school or university, we recommend that you implement an anonymous survey to evaluate student satisfaction. In this way, they will feel more freedom to answer and their responses will provide you with valuable data to improve the institution’s educational offer.

These are just a few examples of the benefits of implementing online surveys for educational purposes that will serve to strengthen the relationship with your students and offer an attractive and modern teaching experience.

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